ESBC Legacy Award
The Legacy Award has been created to recognize B.C. entomologists that have made outstanding contributions to their discipline of entomology throughout their career. This award will be awarded to an individual in recognition of their significant contributions in research, mentoring, teaching, extension, innovation, pest management and active volunteer involvement in the ESBC and other societies/organizations in B.C. and beyond.
The Legacy Award has been created so that members of the ESBC, past and current, can be recognized for their achievements and contributions to the field of entomology. This award will be awarded in years when a deserving candidate or team have been nominated. Consideration should be given to mid- to late-career or retired entomologists.
Award recipients may be asked to present a short talk on their career accomplishments at a future ESBC AGM.
Nominations for the Legacy Award in Entomology can be submitted by any member in good standing of the ESBC. The nominee should have an outstanding record of scientific contribution, mentorship, and service to the furtherment of entomology in British Columbia.
A nomination package must include:
- A letter from the nominating ESBC member outlining why this person should be considered for this award. The nomination letter should highlight primary contributions on which the nomination is based. Explain why the nominee is especially well qualified to receive the award. Please save the complete nomination package (nomination letter, supporting letters) as a single file in either pdf or Microsoft word format. Label the file with the name of the person being nominated and the year.
- Supporting letters from two additional ESBC members supporting the nomination of this entomologist. Supporting letters should be solicited by, and addressed to, the nominator. Each supporting letter should not exceed one single-spaced page.
- Nomination packages are limited to four single-spaced pages.
- Email the nomination file to secretary@entsocbc.ca.
The nomination package must be submitted no later than August 31st for consideration at the next ESBC AGM.

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